Long view.

Electrodes to power. Turbines to speed. Vector diagrams to light board. Finger fins to the driver behind. Quarter to three in the afternoon. What am I saying?

Doesn't matter, really. We're getting close to the departure date on Big Green's [INSERT NAME HERE] Interstellar Tour 2011, our hotly-anticipated romp through the musical hinterlands of outer space, with planned stops in the Jovian system (Jupiter for you space travel novices), Betelgeuse, Kaztropharius 137b, Sirius, and the planet Zenon in the Small Magellanic Cloud, home base of our sometime-guitarist, sFshzenKlyrn. Yes, I know - last time we stopped there we took a few lumps, but they've since healed up, and hey - never let it be said that we let experience stand in the way of a good lapse in judgment. Still got it, baby.

Anyhow, we're just running through our confusing array of pre-launch checklists. Can't be too careful these days, particularly when your vehicle has such a spotted past as the one we've rented for the occasion. Some of these lists are so damn mundane, though, it hardly seems justified.... but protocol is protocol. Here's a for instance: (1) spacecraft fuel, check! (2) spacecraft, check! (3) passengers and crew, check! (4) desire to depart for interstellar destinations, check! Who the f**k came up with that? My guess is that it was Marvin (my personal robot assistant), due to the rote existential nature of his selections. But I digress.

Another thing that doesn't much matter: we haven't really worked out a set list yet. Or any of the songs that would populate a set list. That would involve rehearsal, you see, and as a very wise horn player once told me, rehearsal is just a crutch for cats who can't blow. Normally I don't take such vouchsafes as gospel, but THIS time.... well, I daren't disregard such an obviously valuable insight. Anyway, Matt and I have been recording some numbers for the podcast (This Is Big Green), so we will probably remember those songs at the very least. That's about... oh.... half a set. Then there are the songs we make up on the spot. And of course, the mansized tuber plays a little accordion. (Don't ask how little. Just... don't.)

Okay, so yeah.... we've got a lot of getting together to do before our departure next week. But no fear- Big Green is up to this challenge. In fact, we've got a check list for this very situation. Left it around here.... somewhere...


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