Another week.

Here we are, another week ahead, one behind. I feel like a week sandwich.

Big GreenNot much time to gab. What's new? We recorded another installment of THIS IS BIG GREEN this week, and I realize now that we never decided what the hell recordings we were going to cut into the show. We've got a truckload, of course. I know one that Matt had suggested is going to be included - an old '90s recording we did on Matt's 4-track cassette machine. Lo-fi, yes ... but hey, that's how we roll.

We've also got some half-finished recordings we started before turning to Cowboy Scat: Songs in the Key of Rick. This is a project we'll probably pick up on again. Matt in particular has a huge backlog of songs we've never properly recorded, so we started hammering away at those (only natural, living in a hammer mill. Everything looks like a nail, right?) We've got some technical issues to work through ... like a low-cost multitrack deck that is coughing up blood after producing two albums. But we'll make adjustments, no doubt. Anywho ... another one of those recordings will probably surface on this month's podcast.

We'll also have another episode of Ned Trek - this is Ned Trek 12, I think, every bit as ludicrous as the previous 11. We've been talking about spinning this off into its own podcast, just because they're getting so long. Or making it into an animated YouTube features. Or pounding nails through it and launching it into space. Who knows what we'll do? We certainly don't.

All right, sandman's beating me to death. Time to bail. Hope all is well in Swaziland. Or Madagascar. Or wherever the hell you are.


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