Effin' a-holes.
Why, I'll moiduhlize 'em! Dose lousy no-good s.o.b.'s! What duh "f" do those "a" holes think they're doin', handed us this pile of "s"? Dey got no "effin" principles, dat's what.
What's up with all this? Don't ask! You insist? Rrrrrr.... okay, then. But you asked for it, friend. First of all, welcome once again to the general vicinity of the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill, where we have availed ourselves of those alleys not already occupied by creatures significantly more fierce than ourselves. (Mice? They tolerate us. Rats? We surrender. Simple rules of the unforgiving streets.) Dislocated and made homeless by that extraterrestrial usurper, Mayor Gizmandiar (formerly of the planet we know as "New Earth"), we have applied every legal remedy we can think of to reclaim our squat house. And all it has earned us is a gag order... and a bitter betrayal. Oh, yes.... betrayal!
First, the gag order. Actually, it's not your usual variety. It's more like a judicial parental filter, the "v" chip, if you will, of legal proscriptions. The local magistrate (also an extraterrestrial now, by the way... I think that was a case of transubstantiation, but I would need Mitch Macaphee here to confirm that) has ordered us to refrain from any "foul, profane, or abusive language that might ordinarily be considered 'swearing' or 'speaking obscenely'", an addendum to his writ helpfully listing words and phrases covered by the gag order. They include:
f**k*ng sh*t
f**k*ng c**k
g*dd*mn s*nuvab*tch
...and a few others I'd frankly never heard before. Well, as you can imagine, this has left us with very, very few options in normal conversation. I mean, how am I to properly communicate to Marvin (my personal robot assistant) exactly how fast I want him to perform some menial task, eh? How the heck am I supposed to compel that freaking man-sized tuber to get his butt out of my easy chair if I can't use foul or abusive language. This is freaking killing me!
Okay, now as if that wasn't bad enough, we have just learned that sometime over the course of the last few days, whilst we were seeking warmth in cellar window-wells and sifting through garbage for sustenance, Gizmandiar and his fellow lawn-obsessed space aliens got together enough scratch to buy out our corporate label, Loathsome Pr*ck Records. Under their new management, they have (of course) refused to intervene on our behalf and are now threatening to cancel our distribution deal if we don't swear our allegiance to Gizmandiar. J*sus effin' Christmas!
So, yeah... the ne'er-do-wells at our label have, in essence, sold us up the river (or down the alley) in exchange for gold bullion and stock options. Who woulda' thunk it? Loathsome Pr*ck always seemed such a pleasant sort of company. Such is life. It may be necessary to take drastic measures. Next week: the sh*t hits the fan.