Ah, this is the way to do it. Just unpack your axe, shut the ramshackle wooden door with a little loop of string, and get down to it. No distractions, no inconvenient intrusions on your privacy ... no interruptions, like those times when you take nutrition in some form. Nothing like that. Hi, folks. Yep, we're woodshedding. Not the kind you're thinking about, you musician types. No, we're actually just living in a wooden shed - specifically, the garden shed in the courtyard of the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill, our erstwhile squat house in upstate New York, a region known for bands making do with very little and making it big on something small. Bands like The Band, Rusted Root, uh .... and others. We're sort of following in the tradition of clubhouse recording ... not out of choice, you understand, but out of necessity. This place is barely big enough to be considered a club house. And frankly, I'm not sure what club would want us as members at this point. Our ...