Plan it.
Okay, I've got the case open. Sixteen screws and what do you get? The bottom of your keyboard falling out, that's what. What's next, Mitch? Mitch?? MITCH!! Great. I'm working on this freaking Roland A-90 of mine - the one with the broken key(s) - and my technical advisor just wanders off. Probably getting a drink somewhere, even as I type this excoriation of him. (Trouble is, he's even less reliable when he drinks.) Just trying to get our shit together in time for the next interstellar tour, which should begin sometime around Stardate 3425.6 ... which, for those of you still on the Gregorian calendar, is approximately August 27th. Give or take. (Probably a bit more take than give.) Not sure why I chose to drop this sucker down a flight of stairs, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. ( Note: On the advice of my analyst, I've been treating all of my accidents as intentional lately, just so that I feel more in control of my life. And damn it, it works.) Wh...