All right, all right, I'm coming. Keep your shirt on. Not wearing a shirt? Fine - keep your pants on. Wait, wait.... don't tell me... don't leave me with that image... Oh, yeah... Hello, friends. Back at the mill again. We survived our little rumble at the rustic local tavern. Hate to tell you how. Suffice to say that it took guile and skill... and a willingness to give in, just a little. Okay... more than a little. Some might call it a total climb-down. We handed back to the bartender the overalls, straw hat, and flannel shirt we'd stolen off of his scarecrow to make Marvin (my personal robot assistant) more presentable. It was a humbling moment, to be sure, but w.t.f., friends, they had pitch forks and broken bottles! We had to think of something, and while ordinarily I'd be the last one to raise the white flag in a fight (reason: I'm usually the first one out the door), I had to think of our fans, our mastering project (still underway!), our corporate ove...