Sing it loud.
Blowout. Another switch gone. Our gear is in the toilet, my friend. Aging, threadbare ... disgusting. Oh, well. Yep, we've got technical difficulties. Nothing new. Last week it was Marvin (my personal robot assistant) that went on the blink. No, I mean literally - he wouldn't stop blinking. I think it's all that time he spent taking phone calls when our voicemail broke down. Poor tin bastard. Then there goes another diode, and here we are on a tight budget, just like the rest of America. (Even Mitch, his creator, is too busy to tend to him.) Mother of pearl. Still, I suppose we can do without a power amp. We can just pretend we have active speakers instead of passive, and the power of imagination will carry the day. As it always does. The end. Right, well.... we're not typically given to wishful thinking here at Big Green . No, we are practical mofo's, not those flighty kinda imagineering mofo's you read about in the Sunday paper. Fact is, we're recordin...