
Showing posts from December 2, 2007

Tuneless mo-fo's.

Circle Game? Done it. Keep the Ball Rollin'? God, yes. Lodi? Oh, Lord... yes. Fucking hell... Wait, I've got it. "Six drops of essence of terror. Five drops of sinister sauce!" No? Come on - it's from 196 4 , damn it! What a slog. Yes, my little friends... Big Green is still here, out on the third planet of Cancri 55, only just discovered and already giving me a major, major pain in the ass. I'm telling you this right now - these space aliens have an insatiable appetite for sixties songs (which they call... "new" music). And when I say insatiable, I mean they want new shit all the time. You can not play the same song twice down here, friends. No repeating, no pre-fab set lists... just new, new, NEW. Even with a forty-year backlog, quite frankly, we are running out of stuff to play. (Note to you bar bands down there on Earth: Don't come here. They will work you to death! ) Unfortunately, we reeled through the good stuff in the first few day...

Starts with "I".

I'm not sure if it was Bush's intention to come off like a paranoid lunatic last Tuesday when he commented on the national intelligence estimate on the non-existent nuclear (or "nuke-you-ler" in Dubya speak) threat posed by Iran, but he certainly succeeded in doing so. Iran "will be dangerous, if they have the knowledge to build a nuclear weapon," he opined, giving a shrug of clueless arrogance that so eloquently expresses the inner workings of his tiny mind. Facts don't matter - this much we know. And the facts have been problematic for our president and vice-president as they have tried to nudge the American people ever closer to the brink of another optional war. But they were just as problematic with respect to Iraq, remember - the administration had nothing and was working overtime to provoke some kind of confrontation, without success (to their quite visible frustration). They've been working up an alternative to the nuclear scenario for some t...