Second spot.
Did you call room service? Well, I sure as hell didn't. And what is this glorp, anyway? It looks like it's... it's.... IT'S ALIVE! Greetings from Titan, a dry alien moon orbiting the planet Saturn. We're taking a little break out here on what's described as "The Riviera of the Gas Giants" in all the travel brochures (my ass!) as we wait for the start of a second string of performances on Jupiter. I have to say, the accommodations are less than what we were encouraged to believe. For one thing, the hotel has no oxygen - it's bring your own here on Titan. That's probably because of the methane atmosphere - indeed, on this godforsaken rock they use bottled oxygen for blow torches. Freaky turnaround, dude. And the waterskiing! Not at all like the promotional DVD! They were showing black sand beaches and azure blue waters, and what do we find on the actual, non-promotional Titan? Liquid methane pools. Aromatic, to say the least. I am depressed. Stil...