Six days.
No, it's not the fifth day, Marvin. It's the sixth. Doesn't that processor between your ears do simple sums, for crying out loud? Six, man, six! Yes, I am correcting Marvin (my personal robot assistant) on his math. Or his calendar skills. Not sure which, actually. I put him in charge of counting down our "Six Days of Christmas" celebration. Why six? Well, turns out we couldn't afford twelve. And since we were too sick to finish our Holiday extravaganza on time, we all thought it only appropriate to provide a small ... even half-assed compensation. You're welcome, America! For those of you who missed it, this is what our lame celebration consisted of: Day One: Post of "A Very Neddy Christmas" on . This is a rerun, yes, of our Ned Trek parody of Dickens' A Christmas Carol , featuring four songs, some bad celebrity imitations, and all the rest of it. Day Two: Soundcloud post of Vital Signs , a song off of our first album, ...