Heapily ever after.
Is this the Boise office? It ain't? Well then, who the hell is this, anyways? Okay, okay, get me Washington. Huh? Since when? Never mind, then... get me Lincoln. What... him too ? Jeezus.... Oh, it's you. Just try to get somebody on the phone these days! I mean, you'd think with all the portables and the VoIP and all that, it'd be easy... but nooooo . Actually, I've been trying to reach our rep over at Loathsome Prick Records - not the annoying PR guy who puts words in my mouth, but the A&R guy who takes money out of our pockets.... that guy. Wired up like a freaking christmas tree, he is. Never seen so many bleeding lights on something that wasn't a tractor-trailer. (So much for the colorful asides.) Been dialing long distance all morning and so far no luck. It's almost like they don't want to talk to us. And no, I'm not using the royal "we", nor is there a mouse in my pocket. When I call someone, it's on behalf of all of us. (P...