
Showing posts from July 31, 2011

Pod dunk.

Other alternatives, anyone? What would you do, Mitch? Well.... what the hell else is there to do? When faced with adversity, start a podcast. Yeah, you heard me right. In the midst of preparing for Big Green's [INSERT NAME HERE] Interstellar Tour 2011 and of being ejected from our home of nearly ten years (the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill), we've elected to launch a podcast. I know this sounds crazy, but ... hear me out. The world is full of blowhards and know-nothings. Fact is, a lot of blowhards are know-nothings. So the harder we blow, the less we know - follow me? And if we don't know we have problems, like impending eviction, for instance, well that's almost like not having any problems at all. An elegant solution, and it costs next to nothing... or at least a good deal less than our legal counsel was planning on charging us. (Anti-Lincoln has some rapacious per diem rates, I'm here to tell you. Just watch your ass.) Why do we spend so much energy on pointless...

Cash poor.

Americans are hurting. Well... not all of us. Some of us - those who can claim the mantle of corporate "personhood" by virtue of a bizarrely generous judicial interpretation of the 14th Amendment - are doing quite well, thank you very much. Profits are up, executive pay is up, personal wealth among the top 1% is up - in fact, virtually all of the gains realized through economic growth over the past ten years have been enjoyed by the very wealthy. This while the economic position of people in the lower strata of society - particularly communities of color - have seen what wealth they may have held (principally in their homes) wiped out. Blacks and Latinos have seen the gains of the past 30 years wiped away in less than 3. With millions of people out of work, you would think Congress's top priority would be job creation. That was what they ran on in 2010, not so much on debt reduction. The best the G.O.P. can manage is to twist the issue around to becoming a tortured argum...