Inside February.
I know I dropped it around here somewhere. Marvin, have you seen it? What's that? Oh, right ... I dropped it on the internets. How could I forget? Yes, well ... we FINALLY got around to dropping a new episode of THIS IS BIG GREEN, featuring Ned Trek 31: It's a Profitable Life. Yes, it's a Christmas special, so think of it as that fruitcake you never opened in December, shoved to the back of the fridge, and you happen upon it one cold February morning - a happy accident! Except that, well ... it's a fruitcake. So, like it or not, here's what you'll find alongside the pecans and candied fruit: Ned Trek 31: It's a Profitable Life - Our parody of "It's a Wonderful Life" as played by your favorite Ned Trek characters: Captain Willard Mittilius Romney in the James Stewart role; Peter Lorre as the angel- (or, rather, devil- )in-training (Gladston Goodstein); Paul Ryan sitting in for the main character's younger brother; Bernie Sanders as the b...