This land ain't yer land!
Got a bead on it yet, Trevor James? Try 16 degrees azimuth something-the-fuck... you know what I'm trying to say. Ready? Steady.... Fire rockets! No rockets? Well, then, let's just settle for etheric energy waves. Hello again. Yes, who would've thought it would come to this? Big Green fighting for the very ground we stand on. (We're standing our ground!) That's right - Big Green , the pacifist band; least rowdy motherfuckers on this rowdy motherfucking street we call music. Us... fighting over a broken down mill that isn't even ours. Oh, the shame of it all. (Somebody hand me a bar rag - there's a good chap.) But you know what they say - possession is nine-tenths of the law. (That's why exorcists do such a cracking good business 'round these parts.) What's that? No, we don't count the Cheney Hammer Mill amongst our possessions, strictly speaking, in as much as we don't "own" it. (Like that guy said on Kung Fu - "You can s...