
Showing posts from January 29, 2017

What you hear.

Man, it's windy again today. That's what I'm hearing, right? Oh, okay ... Anti-Lincoln is just practicing his bass clarinet. Right. Sounds like wind. Lots of wind. Hey, look .... I know living with other people can be annoying. But we try to be tolerant around the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill and let one another live up to his or her true self. And when they achieve that hard-won moment of self-realization, we all point fingers at them and laugh derisively. Particularly when they take up some wind instrument they have no hope of mastering. (Happens more often around here than you might suppose.) That's what we call "positive reinforcement." I don't want to give the impression that we of Big Green have something against innovation and initiative. Lord, no. The fact is, we rely on other people's innovation and initiative to make up for our woeful lack of those qualities. We've made plenty of recordings that have random horn-like instruments honki...

No justice.

Trump has named his nominee to the Supreme Court, with a reality show-like flourish, and we spent a couple of days hearing about how eminently qualified the honorable judge Gorsuch is, how pleasant a man he is, what a great colleague and ... and ... fuck all. Frankly, his qualifications are irrelevant. Much as the Republicans would like to pretend that time began Tuesday evening at 8:00pm, we all know what happened over the last year after the unexpected passing of Justice Scalia - basically, Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP invented a new obstructionist rule, saying in essence that President Obama had no right to name a replacement justice in the final year of his second term. I agree with Oregon Senator Jeff Merkely on this. That seat on the Supreme Court was stolen by the Republicans on the then-long chance that they might win the 2016 election. Now they expect everyone to just forget all that and proceed with the swift confirmation of a man who is significantly to the right of ...