
Showing posts from May 16, 2010

Lawn robots.

It's not just the noise, man. It's just a stupid thing to do. For one thing, we don't HAVE a lawn. For another, it's three o'clock in the freaking morning! Oh, hi. Sorry... I was reading Marvin (my personal robot assistant) the riot act. Not that he needs to be reminded of its contents - It's been posted on a spike inside his memory banks for a good many years now. Nevertheless, I felt he needed reminding because he's been unusually disruptive of late. Sure, there have been times when Marvin's programming has gone south or when he's unduly under the influence of nefarious telemetry from alien planets (don't think it doesn't happen, because it does!). Only recently he's been trying his hand (or robotic claw, more properly speaking) at a number of different small enterprises, hoping to make a marginal living in these hard times. (What exactly he needs money for, I don't know. Perhaps some kind of automatonic inebriants.) I don't kno...


A few brief and sullen meditations this week. Not much to say, really, but I'll say it anyway. 'Lection Show. Primary day was a bit underwhelming, to say the least. Not surprised to see Arlen Specter voted down. Just a bit too much political opportunism there to survive, I suppose. Never been very keen on him, I must admit. He was one of the decisive votes in pulling serious infrastructure spending out of the stimulus package last year, as I recall. And it's hard for me to forget his spirited defense of Justice Thomas, whose bitter judicial philosophy (such as it is) we have been saddled with for the past two decades (and will likely have to live through for another two). John Murtha's seat stayed in Democratic hands - that's a disappointment to some. So was Rand Paul's victory in Kentucky, against an establishment candidate avidly supported by Cheney, McConnell and others. While Paul has gotten himself tangled into knots with some absolutist libertarian positi...