Tin can alley.
Well, tubey's got a few holes in him. Little holes. A dab of plastic wood ought to do the trick. Where's my spatula? Greetings from the mythical Cheney Hammer Mill, home of Big Green and our new de-facto d.b.a., HammerMade music. That's the ad-hoc publishing imprint for our upcoming album, International House , due sometime in September... on somebody's doorstep (possibly yours). More about that later. Fact is, the man-sized tuber has run into a couple of problems in his day, but getting shot by a family member ( extended family member, I should say) is not the kind of thing you expect in his kind of family. After all, few root vegetables have access to fire arms. God only knows what would happen if they did! They might share them with the trees, and THEN what would happen? Vengeance would be theirs! SWEET VENGEANCE!!! HELP US, JEEBUS! Shoo-whee. My apologies - I do get carried away from time to time. What I was trying to say was, in keeping with the theory of six deg...