
Showing posts from July 29, 2007


If this is prehistory, what the hell was yesterday? And if the universe is infinite, where the hell does it end? And if God is both infallible and omnipotent, how come s/he can't make mistakes? Questions, questions, questions ! Oh, how you vex me with your endless inquisitiveness! What was that? I was asking those questions? I ? Hmmm... I do remember muttering something a few moments ago, and my utterances did end in an upward lilt. So perhaps you're right - I guess I am the inquisitor, not the inquisitee. (Inquisi tee ?) My apologies. I'm a bit disoriented, I admit. Driven from my home by a titanic battle of extraterrestrials. Shot into space and dropped into an inhospitable ocean whose evil currents deposited us onto the shore of a strange and foreboding land. Lashed to an oar like a galley slave (hard work, few breaks, but you meet some very interesting people), then winning my freedom at enormous personal cost... only to face the wrath of a gorgon-like creature from the...


Cindy Sheehan has returned, calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard Cheney. Who the hell can blame her? If my son had died in their stupid, murderous war, I'd be clamoring for the same goddamned thing. As it is, I'm fine with impeaching the fuckers, not that it's all that likely to get a lot of traction, what with spineless Democrats in charge of Congress, one eye focused (as always) on the next election. The Democratic leadership doesn't like the sound of accountability for war crimes (so many having been complicit in those committed in Iraq and Afghanistan). Their solution is to elect one of their number president, so that they can take over the reins of the "unitary executive" Dubya has brought into being over the last seven years. The last thing they want to do is hobble the empire with accountability. So impeachment is "off the table," as far as they're concerned. Fine. As they say, impeachment is a political process, not...