Time freak.
Check the World Book. Not in there? Okay. Now check Britannica. No reference? Right, right. I guess we'll have to resort to Compton's. Pull out the 1963 edition, that ought to do it. Oh, hi. Good god, y'all.... this is a grueling task. To what do I refer, you may ask? No, I'm not making gruel, at least not this evening. (Tomorrow's menu, however, may include that dubious delicacy... who knows?) Lord, no... many of us here are engaged in finding evidence of the man-sized tuber in various historical accounts, including encyclopedias, history textbooks, comics, etc. After all, it is HE who saved the Republic from a fate worse than death. It is HE who rescued the honor of our most revered president and restored him to the exalted position he once held in the pantheon of the American story. And it is HE who introduced the chocolate cream pie to the post-civil war dinner table... and this BEFORE the invention of the refrigerator. Yes, this is one man-sized tuber that'...