Rainy day schedule.
Okay, kids. Line up for lunch. No, we're not going outside. Rainy day schedule today. Break out the coloring books and the tunafish sandwiches. If you're anything like me, that was your favorite kind of lunch hour in grade school. No going out on the playground and putting up your dukes against whatever red neck wanted a piece of you that particular day. Why the reverie? Not sure. I guess all that rain beating down on the roof of the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill has made me think of some of the other sprawling, musty barns I've inhabited for years at a time. Other squat houses, apartments, schools, lean-to's ... hell, submarines, even. Don't knock it! It can rain all it wants, and no leaks (unless you opt for the screen door). What's up this week? Just toiling away in the vineyards of Big Green-ville, scratching out weird new numbers, honking noisily into microphones, tapping away at Ned Trek scripts. Mostly just making stuff up on the fly - that's wha...