Sing the right one.
Let the eagle soar! Higher than it's ever flown before! From sandy beach to rocky shore ... let the mighty eagle soar! Oh, hello. Didn't know you were there. I was finishing up my morning shower just then. Why am I singing John Ashcroft's signature composition? Well, you know how they tell you that the best way to ensure proper hand washing is to sing "Happy Birthday" while you're doing it? Well, I thought I needed a song to sing while I wash my ass. And that was the first song that sprang to mind. Just thought I'd share that. (Hiya, Mr. Attorney General!) So what have we been up to lately? Well, bits and bobs. You know the drill. Everybody's got their onerous responsibilities to discharge, and Big Green is certainly no exception. Brother Matt has been up to his eyeballs in animal related work, of course. I have been toiling away at my nine-to-five, pulling what's left of my not-yet-gray hair out. (In bunches.) We've got a lot of parts to p...