News from mustyville.
Hoo-boy, it's hot in here again. Marvin (my personal robot assistant)! Open a window. No, not with a chair. You don't open windows by tossing metal chairs through.... HEY! This is not good, folks. Marvin is doing the renegade robot from Mars bit again. It must be an errant line of code somewhere in his reams of programming. Every once in a while he gets ornery... I mean SUPER ornery. Starts breaking things, running things over, insulting people (including anti-Lincoln, who's sensitive, you know) and otherwise causing mayhem. I suppose I should count myself lucky that we're not on some interstellar tour with this happening. Living with a mechanical nutjob is one thing; sharing a cramped spacecraft with one is quite another. I don't have to tell you that.... HEY! PUT THAT DOWN! THAT'S THE ONLY ONE OF THOSE WE'VE GOT LEFT, YOU DOLT! Right ... so much for our last rotating clay bust of Roy Orbison (with glasses a slightly darker shade of gray). Very discouraging...