
Showing posts from April 26, 2015

Inside April.

Jesus, that's god-awful. Turn that shit down, man! What the hell are you listening to, anyway? Some kind of reality show reruns? Oh .... it's our podcast. Nevermind. Okay, so we have this podcast, see? And it kind of sucks, see? But we're proud of it anyway, so that naturally leads me to want to tell you all about the latest episode, hot off the presses here at the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill. Let's take a look under the hood, shall we? Item the First: Ned Trek XXIII - Doo-Dah Dancing - This episode of our post-modern satirical space opera (a bizarre-ass mashup of classic Star Trek, Mr. Ed, and the 2012 Presidential election) is loosely based on the 3rd season classic ST episode entitled "Turnabout Intruder", in which Captain Kirk's body is taken over by an ex-girlfriend/scientist - typical season 3 ridiculousness, and perhaps the most asinine episode ever. In this distorted version of that degraded reality, Captain Willard Mittilius Romney is forced ...

Shades of Gray.

When will we stop being surprised when another young black man is dispatched by the police? By "we" I mean, we white people? Freddie Gray is just the latest victim of the New Jim Crow (basically the same as the old one, except a little less rhetorically overt). My initial impression at news of this fresh outrage was, if this had been a lynching in 1951, would any of us doubt who was responsible? This is freaking ridiculous. Sure, I know - investigation of any crime and prosecution of perpetrators is complex and time-consuming, for Christ on a bike - it isn't like they found the guy on the street with a broken neck. He died in police custody. How many interviews does that take? Monday night Baltimore was burning, in places. Tuesday morning, we heard all the usual stuff. Why are they burning their own neighborhoods down? What's the matter with these people? Hey ... they looted a liquor store? Same crap every time this happens. These, incidentally, are not the question...