
Showing posts from March 28, 2010

Under the gun.

Good god, is that the time? Must have fallen asleep. Hey... I didn't have this Jacobean beard when I fell asleep! Mitch! What the hell....! Yeah, I'm losing track of day, time, even planet, solar system. I may even be working in base-12. (That would not be a good development, particularly with my bank balance.) Big Green and friends have been a little busy just lately - too busy, frankly, for the niceties of neighborly chats, friendly asides, opening mail, cooking dinner, and writing blog posts. Cop out? Yeah, you COULD call it that. But what the hell, we're recording new songs, we're writing new material, we're taking pictures of our breakfast cereals... we've got recordings to finish, planets to tame, and zucchini to take to market. Well, Marvin (my personal robot assistant) has zucchini to take to market - yet another one of his hare-brained business ventures. I haven't seen the man-sized tuber in a couple of days, come to think of it - perhaps he was m...

Cave, baby, cave.

This will be a brief one, again. Hands full, head empty. Kind of sleepy, actually, so watch the prose - it may falter badly. No guarantees. Obama's plan to open up off-shore drilling along much of our national coastline resembles some of the graphics I've been seeing in BP commercials lately. I guess all it takes is a little public diplomacy by the enormous oil and gas industry groups, and this administration will bend back at the knees. No, it's not the worst possible plan for extraction of fossil fuels, but it is a major wedge in the door towards the same "drill, baby, drill" Obama's presidential campaign opponent advocated. Can't believe they won't pry that door even further open in the near future. Where are people at on this issue? As mentioned above, they have been bombarded with television ads like no other time I can recall. America's Oil and Gas Industry, Chevron, BP, and others, all trying to outdo one another with how dedicated they are ...