Inside July (2019).
Look, I know it was a hard assignment, but frankly ... you're more cut out for that sort of thing. Why don't you sit and relax for a while. Oh, right ... best stand. The squatters upstairs got a bit louder this week. Of course, it was the fourth of July holiday, so they started shooting off bottle rockets, M-80s, and what sounded like quarter-sticks of dynamite. We sent Marvin (my personal robot assistant) up to read them the riot act, and he got his ass handed to him. I mean literally - they removed his ass and handed it to him, then kicked him down the stairs. Not sure who to send next ... maybe anti-Lincoln? Well, with all that going on, I did squeeze in enough time to post another installment of THIS IS BIG GREEN, though it's kind of a clip show, frankly. Some of the material will seem familiar to longtime listeners, some not. What can I tell you? It's a little hard to mix new Ned Trek episodes with gun-happy muleskinners living upstairs, keeping us up all night...