
Showing posts from June 30, 2019

Inside July (2019).

Look, I know it was a hard assignment, but frankly ... you're more cut out for that sort of thing. Why don't you sit and relax for a while. Oh, right ... best stand. The squatters upstairs got a bit louder this week. Of course, it was the fourth of July holiday, so they started shooting off bottle rockets, M-80s, and what sounded like quarter-sticks of dynamite. We sent Marvin (my personal robot assistant) up to read them the riot act, and he got his ass handed to him. I mean literally - they removed his ass and handed it to him, then kicked him down the stairs. Not sure who to send next ... maybe anti-Lincoln? Well, with all that going on, I did squeeze in enough time to post another installment of THIS IS BIG GREEN, though it's kind of a clip show, frankly. Some of the material will seem familiar to longtime listeners, some not. What can I tell you? It's a little hard to mix new Ned Trek episodes with gun-happy muleskinners living upstairs, keeping us up all night...

The unitary peril.

Happy Independence Day, everyone ... and welcome to the next phase of our slide towards authoritarianism. It's a track we've been on for decades, frankly, and our pace has accelerated with the dubious election of Donald Trump (a.k.a. Drumpf) as our president. Trump is taking the concept of the unitary executive, popularized under Bush II, to a whole new level, testing institutional constraints on presidential power, many of which apparently boil down to voluntarily-observed norms of behavior, ethical standards, etc., but very little in the way of black-letter law. Even in the case of explicit legal constraints, this president is demonstrating that there is very little in the way of available recourse to a chief executive that ignores or even violates the law. Who holds the president accountable, particularly if the Senate is a perennial no-show? Now, as Trump prepares for his big, honking, tank-infested fourth of July show in D.C., his administration is contemplating an execu...