Here, boy. Heeere, boy! That's a good boy.... come on, got a little treat for you. Over here, boy. That's right. Over.... oh, goddamn it! Oh, hi, friends. (And I mean friends in the Facebook / MySpace sense.... in other words, total strangers.) Caught me at a bad time, actually. No, I'm not trying to coax a stray dog out from under the tool shed. It's the man-sized tuber.... he's gone all reclusive on us. I think it's a "back to nature" kick of some kind. Here tubey's been as mobile as a biped these last seven years, and he seemed quite content, really... especially since we procured that ergonomically designed go-cart for him some time back. Of course, appearances can be deceiving, and apparently (or non-apparently) our man-sized tuber has been harboring some regrets over his life with the humanoids. Pining for the fields of home, it seems. He misses his fellow tubers, and who can blame him? (They make such good companions...) Anyway, he took his ...