
Showing posts from June 29, 2008

Put it down.

Move that comma a few words to the left. Okay. Now how about a stroke around that casaba melon? Don't think so? Why not? Hate melons... good reason. T'hell with it. Oh, right... this is being recorded for posterity (or some approximation thereof). Hello, everyone. Glad you could stop by. Just lending a little guidance here - nothing pressing. We're in the process of creating a CD cover ( CD ? What's a CD , mommy?) for our new album and, well, it's a slow, painstaking process... particularly when you don't have certain basic conveniences, like... a designer, for instance. Now that would come in handy. As much as I'm against outsourcing, we did attempt to put this particular job in the hands of some extremely cheap, non-union surrogates in the subcontinent. Or so we supposed. (In the age of the Internet, who truly knows where anyone is? Why, I could be right here . Or over.... here ! Or maybe even...... here !) Confused? Yes, so am I. Let me see if I can ...


Seems like more than a few people are appalled at what appears to be Obama's recent lurch to the right. Actually, I think some of the stuff he's saying now is more like where he's been politically since walking onto the national stage four years ago. In spite of a lot of the hype about a liberal voting record, the O-Man is no George McGovern (sadly). He's been hugely cautious since becoming a U.S. Senator, and whereas he has the rhetorical gifts to advance progressive positions (particularly ones - like universal health care - that tend to be popular to begin with), he doesn't have those issues deep in his gut. I think this is a textbook case of political relativity. Here's how it works: At the beginning of the election cycle, when there are eight or more members of your party contending for the nomination, there's a fair chance that one of them is going to be somewhere close to your way of thinking. So you might back that person, and if s/he fails to make t...