Landing hard.
Man, it's hot on Aldebaran. (How hot is it, Joe?) Well... it's hot enough to make the man-sized tuber sprout new branches. (W.t.f., Joe... that's hot and a half!) Damn right. Hi, there. Got a little sick of the monologue, so I thought I'd throw a call and response deal in the old blog. (Got to keep entertained somehow.) Big Green here, and I'm here to tell you that everything you learned about red giant stars is wrong. Sure, I know - they always told you that red giants are big, fat, overly cooled-down stars, right? Not so hot as those blue dwarfs, right? Well... looks like they was wrong, as they say in the old neighborhood (when somebody was wrong, that is). It's hot as all get-out up here. It's so freaking hot, Mitch Macaphee had to invent a sno-cone machine out of available materials... materials that included Marvin (my personal robot assistant), I regret to say. (Sorry, Marvin. I owe you one, man. Actually... I owe you a dozen, if memory serves.) I ...