
Showing posts from October 13, 2019

Deal, no deal.

Here's my counter offer. You can use the counter any time you want, even when we're having brunch in the kitchen on alternate Sundays, as per our agreement, volume 3, chapter 5, subsection 4, paragraph 2 (see also sources in footnote 845). Now what do you say? Yeah, here we are, making a deal with the devil, folks. Yes, I'm talking about those crazy squatters who invaded and occupied the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill, our makeshift home, sometime during the summer, consigning us and our various hangers-on to the potting shed in the courtyard. We're attempting to reach some understanding with them, but it's a bit more complicated than I had imagined. Apparently one of these yahoos is a contract lawyer. Doesn't look it. Anyway, our draft agreement for the return of Big Green to the Cheney Hammer Mill is ... well, it's thick as your ass, maybe thicker. Lots of wherefores and what-have-you's, which is fine, because what have we right now but big fat noth...

No half measures.

Yes, I watched the Democratic presidential debate on CNN this past week, god help me. The best thing I can say about it is that CNN dropped the dramatic WWF candidate intro segment and went straight into the questions. That said, the fact that there were twelve candidates on stage made the event a ridiculous parody of an actual debate. Candidates are given 75 seconds to respond to a question, and 45 seconds for rebuttals. It is simply impossible to grapple with the complex issues facing our nation in any meaningful way within those time constraints. The format drives a kind of Twitter-like approach to discourse, complete with the trolling. Seventy-five seconds is something like 125 words. Try talking a nation out of decades of for-profit healthcare or a century of oil dependence in that little time. It's a format that greatly favors the status quo. And the status quo had many defenders last night. As was predicted the previous week by talking heads and broadcast journalists, u...