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Hey ... let's stop in at the Petrified Creatures Museum. It sounds, well ... very dessicated. And interesting. Perhaps. I don't know ... what do YOU want to do, Marvin (my personal robot assistant)? Yes, we're taking a day trip. The weather is nice, so it seemed like a good idea to leave the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill behind for a few hours. Trouble is, it's a little hard to find entertainment that suits everyone's eclectic tastes. Marvin is a little reluctant to give the Petrified Creatures Museum a look, perhaps because they may mistake him for one of their exhibits and NEVER LET HIM LEAVE. He was scared, even (yes) petrified . Poor creature. What else is there to do, driving along route 20? Well ... there are a lot of campgrounds. There's an ice cream place called "Banana Dan's". There are some really cool mountains, if you like mountains. That should be sufficient to satisfy anyone's taste. But here I am, in a car full of freaks - Mar...