
Showing posts from May 20, 2007

Shouldn't-a dunit.

I know, I know. I shouldn't-a dunit. But I dunit. They left me no alternative. Do I suck? Maybe. But at least you know where I stand. (Am I standing? Feels like sitting...) Howdy, friends. Expect you recall last week's tiresome debacle and the intolerable acts of our extraterrestrial overlords, as they came to occupy our humble city hall. Who could forget the arrogance of a certain Gizmandiar? A gentleman he is not. (Neither gentle, nor man... nor any other species I've ever come across.) I am not being ungenerous. Consider, if you will, the bill of particulars with regard to said Gizmandiar . He and his minions hath: deliberately and wantonly, with malice aforethought, driven us from our ancestral (relax - that's just the paint color) home and consigned us to a life of enhanced beggary (that's like the beggary we enjoyed previously, only with 65% more cat's pee); issued the intolerable and wholly despicable decree known as "Special Order 14-2007" w...


Question: how long does it take for the Democratic Party leadership to cave in on issues of life and death? Answer: less time than it takes to ask the question. Yep, old "Give 'em hell" Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and kin have signed away the farm to mister 28% himself, Dubya Bush, who is now bound by no restrictions - fiscal or legal - in his prosecution of the disastrous war he started more than four years ago. This in the wake of yet another 9 U.S. service members killed and god knows how many Iraqis - scores over the past few days. I know I'm not the only one saying W.T.F., though it's not so much out of surprise as it is just pure exasperation. I mean, a watery timeline for withdrawal with a plethora of caveats - that hardly constituted a radical departure from Rumsfeldian warmaking (precisely what we need). And yet that has morphed into a no-strings-attached allocation of billions for the continued occupation of Iraq. Is that what people voted for last Novembe...