
Showing posts from November 24, 2019


I made a list of important things to include on the blog post. Now where did I leave it? What's that? I used the back of it for a grocery list then threw it away? Right, well ... they weren't THAT important. As is apropos of the season, here at Big Green, there is a lot to be thankful for. Sure, we may seem like just another cynical rock band, iconoclasts, always questioning authority, taking the road not taken, bending pretzels the wrong way, riding bicycles with square wheels, etc. But that doesn't mean we're ungrateful. Hell no! I'm thankful for the roof over our heads. At least the parts that don't let the rain in. After all, we spent a good portion of the year in the potting shed, so being back in our own squat feels like a million bucks, even if it leaks from time to time. I'm thankful for having a personal robot assistant. Hey, not everyone can say that, right? Not only do I have the full and (somewhat) able assistance of Marvin (my personal rob...

Heavy lift.

I want to open this week with a message to my fellow leftists. I know, some of you right now are probably saying, "Okay, boomer ... ", but hear me out. For the more deeply committed among you, the upcoming presidential race is probably not the most important item on the agenda, but for those who plan on participating in the Democratic party primaries and caucuses, I have one modest caution: Don't rip a new asshole into every candidate other than Bernie (whom I personally support). Many of us who are participating in electoral politics want Bernie to win, but that goal is in the hands of the voters. If we out-organize and out-vote all of the other candidates, we can win ... but losing is a possibility, and given that eventuality we would still need to beat Trump in November ... regardless of who wins the Democratic party nomination for president. The fact is, achieving top policy priorities like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal will be tremendously difficult no...