Up north.
Saints preserve us. Not that we're saints, but then... if we were, wouldn't we be preserving ourselves rather than asking others to do it for us? What's with the look? Hey... you've got to think about these things when you're an explorer, you know. Right. Leaving matters of religion out of this (since, after all, we represent many faiths), avid readers of Big Green 's putrid blog "Hammermill Days" will know that we have embarked upon an intrepid journey northward from the mysterious and little known island the inhabitants refer to in their obscure dialect as "manna-hat-un" and sometimes "nuu-yawk" or "nuu-yawk, gah-dammit." (Several natives used an even more complex variant of the second term - I believe it's pronounced, "nuu-yawk, yuhfuggin-nidiot".) Whatever the name may be, we chose to leave this place behind, with its deep grimy canyons, overpriced lunches, and peculiar honking denizens, so northward we w...