
Showing posts from May 13, 2007

Effin' a-holes.

Why, I'll moiduhlize 'em! Dose lousy no-good s.o.b.'s! What duh "f" do those "a" holes think they're doin', handed us this pile of "s"? Dey got no "effin" principles, dat's what. What's up with all this? Don't ask! You in sist ? Rrrrrr.... okay, then. But you asked for it, friend. First of all, welcome once again to the general vicinity of the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill, where we have availed ourselves of those alleys not already occupied by creatures significantly more fierce than ourselves. (Mice? They tolerate us. Rats? We surrender. Simple rules of the unforgiving streets.) Dislocated and made homeless by that extraterrestrial usurper, Mayor Gizmandiar (formerly of the planet we know as "New Earth"), we have applied every legal remedy we can think of to reclaim our squat house. And all it has earned us is a gag order... and a bitter betrayal. Oh, yes.... betrayal! First, the gag order. Actually, it...

Mitt happens.

I expect some of you saw the Republican debate this past week - ten-strong G.O.P. hopefuls in a fiddling contest as Rome burns around them, sparked by an ember first coddled by the sainted Ronald Reagan, whose administration launched the resurgent America now being destroyed by his veep's mutant spawn. Yes, it was a proud moment indeed when applause could be heard at the mere mention of torture (or "enhanced interrogation techniques", as some put it). McCain, of course, gave his standard speech about torture - inspiring, until you recall that the "anti-torture" legislation he ultimately signed onto last year has holes big enough to pass a dozen waterboards through. To be certain, he was the only one there who'd ever experienced torture, and I imagine he and his fellow P.O.W.'s may have believed during their captivity, as McCain suggested, that America would never abuse prisoners in such a way. Just a ways south of the "Hanoi Hilton", however, t...