Belt stars.
What the hell is this, Mitch? How could we be lost again ? We're using the freaking map. We're following all the dotted lines. Is that not Rigel? It's not ? Mother of pearl.... Oh, yeah... hi, friends. Having another little problem here with the navigation. Nothing new. We were making the passage from Aldebaran to Orion and Mitch is getting a little confused on which star is which. I keep telling him, you need to follow the arrow back from Mintaka, not forward to Sirius! (I'm like, be serious, and he's like, Sirius? Are you saying I'm a star? And I'm like...) So, of course, we overshoot Orion's belt by about a light-year, so we have to double back. Then Mitch gets Betelgeuse confused with Rigel, like he's looking at the whole freaking constellation upside-down. (Actually, the map was upside-down, so it wasn't entirely his fault.) And we're hunting in vain for the third companion (Rigel III) when, of course, there weren't any orbiting ...