
Showing posts from February 12, 2017

Song farm.

Where's Matt this morning? Where he always is - trudging across the landscape like Ewan McTeagle, writing crazy-ass song poems in his head and putting them to music ... also in his head. And feeding the beavers. Curious fellow! As we're patching together the next episode of THIS IS BIG GREEN , featuring our holiday (yes, holiday!) installment of Ned Trek , it's beginning to dawn on me just how many Ned Trek songs we have recorded over the last three years. If you piled them up, the resulting stack would be taller than the Empire State Building. (That's assuming, of course, each song is about 1/50th the height of the Empire State Building.) But spacial relationships aside, we've got a big backlog of songs that are just screaming "Put me in an album!" Marvin (my personal robot assistant) tried to be helpful by picking up a photo album down at the corner drug store, but of course, that kind of album is a whole 'nother thing. But semantic consideration...

The fire this time.

Another banner week for the just-born Trump administration, beset by a growing scandal around purported contacts with Russia, rocked by the forced resignation of anti-Muslim National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, scrambled by contradictory messaging from both surrogates and the President himself, and so on. Trump's truly bizarre Thursday press conference saw him describe his White House as a "running like a fine-tuned machine." Probably seems that way to someone as deluded as he appears to be. I'm not even including the very public situation room they convened at a restaurant table inside Trump's Florida resort - a night that saw some crony posing for a photo with the dude who carries the nuclear football. Eek. Late in last year' campaign, when the T-man seemed to be burning out of control, I wrote a blog post titled "Burning Man" wherein I suggest that the candidate was like "a crazy-ass Frankenstein’s monster set on fire and spreading his...