Sensory man.
Did you feel that? No? Okay, check. How about that? Really. Right, then. Check again. Now let's try the pointed stick. You don't want to do it? Well, aren't you the sensitive one. Yes, we're back. I'm just interrogating Marvin (my personal robot assistant) to get some idea of the degree to which his primitive analog circuitry has the capability to emulate human emotions and mock the various senses we take for granted. So far, it's not going very well. His brass exterior seems impervious to brillo pads, water, even fire. Not sure about pointed sticks - that may be his Achilles' heal. (I guess I could wait until he's feigning sleep, then try it on his heel.) Why am I wasting my time in such a manner? Well, while I'm waiting for Matt to get here and start recording the next episode of our podcast, THIS IS BIG GREEN, I am consuming myself with summer projects, some of which I've blogged about over the past few weeks. Annoying Marvin is one, thoug...