Noise on.
Turn it on, the fan. The BIG fan. Broken? Okay, then turn it on, the smaller fan. No smaller fan? What the hell. Right. Then just turn it on, the radio. Another hot one here at the Cheney Hammer Mill. Global warming at work, no doubt. Whatever the cause, it's sweltering in here. I spent the morning hanging my head into the primitive air shaft at the center of this unused pile of industrial masonry - it seemed strangely airless. That's why I'm asking Marvin (my personal robot assistant) to break out the fans. It's times like this when any performer turns to his/her biggest fans. (Boom-crash!) How are ya, how are ya, how are ya! Anybody from Detroit in the audience tonight? Anybody? You in the back? There you are. Gotta' love the motor city! Ooops. Heat prostration briefly turned me into a Borscht Belt comedian. (Shecky Green, perhaps.) Must be incoherent thinking that Marvin would help me out, considering how I failed him last week during the inaugural performance of...