
Showing posts from November 20, 2011


Season's greetings to you all. And we of Big Green say hello as well, whatever the so-called "season" may have to say. (Who ever heard of a talking season?) Just writing whilest we're having a little Thanksgiving layover on Titan, moon of Saturn, mother of all Tofurky. (Yes, this is where it comes from.) Taking a little break from the feasting, conversing, and pontificating (Anti-Lincoln is back on his Mexican-American War soapbox again), so this is a good time to open the mail, it seems. Most of our inquiries appear to be about our podcast, THIS IS BIG GREEN, so let's start with this: Dear Big Green: On your podcast, I heard you read a bogus letter asking why so many of your songs are about war. You, of course, never answered the question to anyone's satisfaction. I now challenge you to do this thing. What is with the war kick? Sincerely, Gen. Douglas MacArthur (deceased) Well, General - thanks for listening to our podcast, first of all. Why do we write abou...

Race to the bottom.

Just a few scratched out thoughts, here. Working on a paper. WTF for? Just because. Bachman Overdrive. Heard Michele Bachmann on NPR this morning, hawking her book "Core of Conviction". It wasn't a hardball interview, but not the softest either. Her concept of governance appears to rest on the notion of electing a filibuster-proof GOP majority in the Senate. Short of that, um.... punt, I guess. Interesting, though, that the minimal requirement for running the country is now the achievement of a nearly impossible super-majority in the U.S. Senate. What she either can't (out of stupidity) or won't acknowledge is that any Republican majority in the Senate, be it 51 votes or 61 votes, will almost certainly do what the Democrats were too polite to do in January 2009 - essentially gut the power of the filibuster so that they wouldn't need a super-majority to pass every piece of legislation, no matter how inconsequential. Her party has made filibuster the default co...