Season's greetings to you all. And we of Big Green say hello as well, whatever the so-called "season" may have to say. (Who ever heard of a talking season?) Just writing whilest we're having a little Thanksgiving layover on Titan, moon of Saturn, mother of all Tofurky. (Yes, this is where it comes from.) Taking a little break from the feasting, conversing, and pontificating (Anti-Lincoln is back on his Mexican-American War soapbox again), so this is a good time to open the mail, it seems. Most of our inquiries appear to be about our podcast, THIS IS BIG GREEN, so let's start with this: Dear Big Green: On your podcast, I heard you read a bogus letter asking why so many of your songs are about war. You, of course, never answered the question to anyone's satisfaction. I now challenge you to do this thing. What is with the war kick? Sincerely, Gen. Douglas MacArthur (deceased) Well, General - thanks for listening to our podcast, first of all. Why do we write abou...