No coins? Hmmm... check my other pants. I was sure I had some silver in there. Valuable, precious silver. No? Oh well. There's always the jar on my nightstand. What do you mean you knocked it over?! Yes, yes, my friends - it's just as it sounds. Broke again, fighting the mice for scraps of cheese. Matt just had a smack-down with a praying mantis that was making off with a fragment of stale halvah. (Did Matt prevail? Let us pray.) I've asked Big Green's mad science advisor, Mitch Macaphee, to put his considerable skills to good effect and invent us some money (or maybe a pizza), but he can't be bothered with such trifles.... not when he's preoccupied with his unified field theory. (Not going so well, I perceive.) And now we're rifling through drawers (not with real rifles, you understand), rummaging through garments, and shaking the hell out of every cup and jar in the joint looking for loose change with which to keep our lights on for another week. What? Wh...