
Showing posts from May 23, 2010

Dropping stuff.

Want the mic a little higher? Okay.... that's the works. Too short still? Let me put it on a milk crate. There - how about now? STILL too short? Ooooooooohhhh! If it sounds like I've been reduced in rank to roadie status, that's because it's true. Just call me Spike or Lenny - you know, one of those roadie names. I've considered investing in a carton of muscle shirts, but I don't have any muscles, so... what's the point, right? (How do I lift those heavy bass cabinets? Tendons only, my friend.) There are worse things to do for a living, only up to now I haven't had to do any of them, so... this is rock bottom. The things we do for friends! And by "friends" I mean robot friends. As I mentioned last week, Marvin (my personal robot assistant) has mustered a small army of robots to do his bidding. He started with a landscaping enterprise, but found that putting lawn mowers in the hands of automatons is kind of a bad idea. (They tend to be a bit mo...

Money spill.

Now hear this - this is a four-star freaking disaster. We need Superman... or Aquaman, perhaps. It is possible - just possible - that by the time I post this screed, the "top kill" method BP cooked up out of last-minute desperation (to save their skins) will have stopped the oilcano. It is also possible that it will have done nothing. In the mean time, millions upon millions of gallons of oil sludge and other chemicals (including dispersants) are sloshing about the Gulf, invading wet lands, fouling beaches, destroying underwater biosystems, and otherwise making life impossible for people and other creatures along the Gulf coast. It's clear that the environmental consequences of this spill will be with us for a good many years. It's also clear that this spill was the result of negligence in the extreme; of greed carried to a fatal crescendo. BP and its hirelings were in a tremendous hurry and cut corners drastically. Combine that with the obvious fact that these people...