Pulling it together.
Holy Moses. Where did all this snow come from? The sky? That's where it ordinarily comes from. There have been exceptions, sure, but ... how likely is that? Well, here we are. First days of the year and we're already snowed in. Mountains of the stuff piled up against the front door of the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill, our adopted home. Just as well that it's relatively congenial in here, that is if you don't mind being cooped up with crazy people. There's Matt, of course, though he mostly occupies himself with tending the wild creatures and feathered friends. Marvin (my personal robot assistant) does have some annoying habits, much as I've tried to program them out of him. (I'm not a scientist - I just play one on the internet.) The most troublesome companion we have in the Mill is anti-Lincoln, the antimatter doppelganger of the Great Emancipator, who was chrono-teleported into our midst some years back by Mitch Macaphee, using Trevor James Constable...