Light on.
Okay, commence recording. The light is on, folks. No, not THAT light! That's the freaking microwave! That just means your burrito is cooked. I mean the production light. Jesus. Oh, hi. Yeah ... we're working on some more music, but it's not obvious what exactly we're working on. Is it an album? An EP? A single? Some throwaway tunes for the podcast? Anyone's guess. All I know is that the light goes on and I start playing. When it goes out, I stop. Sometimes it flickers on and off, and that makes my job a bit harder. I see that and I drop in a lot of eighth-note rests - it can sound kind of funky if you close your eyes (and your ears, too). We've made something of a habit of recording over the decades. Given that we're not a performing band at this point, at least not in the conventional sense, recordings pretty much amount to our "performances". But recording has been a bit of an obsession over the years, from Matt's reel-to-reel and casset...