
Showing posts from February 25, 2018

Light on.

Okay, commence recording. The light is on, folks. No, not THAT light! That's the freaking microwave! That just means your burrito is cooked. I mean the production light. Jesus. Oh, hi. Yeah ... we're working on some more music, but it's not obvious what exactly we're working on. Is it an album? An EP? A single? Some throwaway tunes for the podcast? Anyone's guess. All I know is that the light goes on and I start playing. When it goes out, I stop. Sometimes it flickers on and off, and that makes my job a bit harder. I see that and I drop in a lot of eighth-note rests - it can sound kind of funky if you close your eyes (and your ears, too). We've made something of a habit of recording over the decades. Given that we're not a performing band at this point, at least not in the conventional sense, recordings pretty much amount to our "performances". But recording has been a bit of an obsession over the years, from Matt's reel-to-reel and casset...

Decision point.

This past week, the Supreme Court decided that undocumented immigrants don't have the same fundamental rights as American citizens. That's essentially what their decision in Jennings v. Rodriguez amounts to. People who cross into the country can be detained indefinitely, as they have been under the last four administrations, as per a narrow majority on the Court. (The opinion was written by George W. Bush appointee Samuel Alito.) It was a 5 to 3 decision, with Justice Kagan recusing herself, so for me the lesson of this - and other cases - is that elections matter and that people on the center-left need to start voting on the issue of the Supreme Court and who will garner a lifetime appointment to that august body. If Hillary Clinton had been elected president, she would have appointed someone relatively progressive to the Supreme Court to fill the seat currently held by Neil Gorsuch (illegitimately, in my view). That would likely have rendered a 4 to 4 split in the Rodrigue...