At the pad.
Packing the ship. And not a moment too soon, I might add. Anyone seen my slipper socks? Ah, yes. Thank you kindly. Can't go to Neptune without those. Well, we've attempted to do everything that needed to be done in preparation for our trip to the stars - readying Big Green for our upcoming interstellar tour ENTER THE MIND 2010: THE ULTIMATE BIG GREEN EXPERIENCE. We've dotted every "t" and crossed every "i" (or every eye, perhaps). So many details to be considered. Much of it, on this type of outing, is best left to the scientists. Questions like, "There's no air in space. How do we breathe?" Not sure we've got that little detail worked out yet, but sometimes you can't solve every problem prior to lift off. Sure, I'd like everything to be perfect and set out in a straight line. But that's not always possible, my friends. Sometimes, good enough has to be good enough. Good enough? Right. How do we know we're in "Go...