Banjo doorstop.
I feel a draft. Don't you feel a draft, Marvin (my personal robot assistant)? Oh, right. I forget you're made of brass and polystyrene. What about you, mansized tuber? Oh, right. You're a plant. Guess it's just a "me" thing. Well, we knew it would be difficult to spend nights out in the courtyard of the Cheney Hammer Mill, our erstwhile squat house. Not that that place was insulated and tight as a drum. Quite the contrary. But at least there were places deep inside the mill where you couldn't see sunlight. Can't say the same for this potting shed. It's got more holes than a North Dakota oil field. And it's twice as greasy. When the wind blows, it whistles. (Or maybe Anti-Lincoln whistles ... not sure.) Yes, we've had to make do in a lot of ways since moving out of the dump into this wreck of a shack, driven from our home by some drunken upstairs neighbors who hate our freedoms. (Like the freedom to live undisturbed in a hammer mill ... ...