Mail bag returns.
Well, it's been a while. Time to open the Big Green mail bag again, at long last. It's easy to forget this stuff with all that's been on our plate the last couple of years. You know, production, minor building repairs, breathing ( lots of breathing), and the like. But no matter - we'll just take a moment away from all of that, wave away the moths, and pull the first missive from its tattered envelope. Here's one from Castleton-on-Hudson, NY: Dear Big Green ... Are you the same ne'er-do-wells that used to live in that broken down house on Green Avenue? You know ... the one that looks like it tumbled halfway down the gorge and landed on its roof? Because it that WAS you guys, you friggin owe me money. -- Baldric McPlumber Hey, Baldric ... thanks for writing in! Yes, that was us, back in an earlier incarnation (or since we're talking about rural New York, maybe it should be "inTARnation"). We lived in that broken down house in 1984-5, and next ...