Mumbly peg.
Spread some oil on them sticks. That's good. Now bring a bundle of straw over here. In a bunch, in a bunch! Okay.... kerosene. Where'd I put it? What? You sure that's not Vodka? Well... take a glug and let me know. Now, who's got a match? Yikes - didn't know you were logged on. Again, I apologize. Keeping this place in order is a 24/7 kind of job, as you might well imagine. Yes, friends - the Cheney Hammer Mill may be a decrepit, broken down, fetid old ruin with rising damp and water snakes in the basement, but it's home and every once in a while you need to start a bonfire in the courtyard to let the place know you still care. Oh, you may laugh. You may laugh! But we have our traditions here in Big Green . One of them is making Marvin (my personal robot assistant) do all the heavy work. (Of course, that's more a habit than a tradition.) More to the point, another of our traditions is that of setting bonfires on alternate Saturdays during the growing seaso...