Song mill.
You looking for a song about the Crab Nebula? Yeah, we got that. How about one that mentions the Green Nematode? Uh-huh. You betcha. There was a day when the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill used to churn out, well ... hammers , day in and day out, first with steam power, then electricity. Now it's an assembly line for weird songs about Green Nematodes and other stuff - a row of songwriting machines, powered by trail mix, bug juice, and pizza. No, you can't build a house with these songs. You can't drive a carpenter's nail into a 2 by 4. You can't tack up some dry wall in your uncle's unfinished attic. In fact, the songs are pretty much useless ... but they're free. Free as a freaking bird. Sorry for running on at the mouth. I always get like this when we're finishing out a new batch. This week we're mixing six new songs for the next Ned Trek episode, all of which are content-focused on the human brain and its many failings, particularly that singula...