
Showing posts from December 9, 2007

Over here.

Back it up a bit. Bit more. Bit more. Good, good, that's it. Now make it smaller... much smaller. No, not that way. I mean by material transmogrification. No, I did not make that up. Just 'cuz you don't know how ... Bickering, bickering. Seems like that's all we ever do these days. That and sleep. No more oldies, though - we're off that particular plantation, thanks to the somewhat blurry-minded ingenuity of one sFshzenKlyrn , the creature from Zenon and Big Green 's perennial sit-in guitarist. How did we get him to use his enormous etheric brain? Elementary use of flapjacks - quite simple, really. Read last week's blog entry . Finished with it? Take your time. How about now? Jeezus, you read slow ! Too much Internet, young lady - it's rotting your brain! Got it now? Good, good. That's right - I threatened, and then I delivered on the threat. Our sFshzenKlyrn got a tall stack of buckwheat flapjacks just after I posted. Am I a liar? Huh ? What happen...

Stress positions

Been watching the amazing caveman race-to-the-bottom that is election 2008, have you? Probably more than you like. In a way, it reminds me of that classic board game, Clue , where there are three groups of cards - suspects, weapons, and locations - and at the start of the game one card from each group is taken out and secreted away; ultimately the winner is the first one to surmise which cards they are. Colonel Mustard did it in the Parlor with the Candlestick Holder, right? Well, particularly on the Republican side, you've got maybe three issues that all the major candidates demagogue about, based on G.O.P. polling data - say, immigration, detainee abuse, and the broader "war on terror". So Rudy, Mitt, Fred, and Huck range about trying to guess what the winning positions will be. (Hmmm.... the Undocumented Mexican Gardener did it in the Anbar Awakening Council with Stress Positions.) They try to outdo each other to the point where it gets pretty ugly. Thus are major nat...