
Showing posts from August 12, 2012

Trans martian insertion.

What the f...! Did you see that, Mitch? I tried to swear just then and nothing came out! How the f.... am I going to make it in this.... this... ?? D... ! It happened again ! This can only mean one thing. We're being EDITED FOR TELEVISION! Sorry for all the yelling and gesticulation (though you probably didn't see the latter). You always seem to catch me at a bad time. In any case, as you can see, some alien intelligence appears to be manipulating our speech in real-time. When I say "alien intelligence", I probably should be saying "corporate overlords," as in the ne'erdowells who run our label, Hegemonic Records and Worm Farm, Inc. It's a lot more likely that they are behind this sanitization of our every utterance. You have to ask yourself, after all ... who benefits? Who else ? Motherf...ers! (Oooh, man, that's irksome.) I am told that the gosh-darned blaggards (See: now I'm self editing. This is how tyranny starts!) are looking to pu...

Ryan's express.

So it's budget guy. Interesting choice, governor. At least we know where he stands (even if your position is still a little vague). We've apparently reached a pass in American politics where an unapologetic acolyte of Ayn Rand can be put forward as a candidate for vice president. This may have been unthinkable a year ago, when the Occupy Wall Street movement was in full swing, at least in terms of media coverage. Now that the "austerians," as Tom Tomorrow calls them, have once again found their full-throated voice, Ryan can be seen as a serious contender for high office. Though they are backing away from the details of his Medicare proposal like it's a live grenade, concentrating instead on Medicare reductions in the Affordable Care Act - reductions that are included in Ryan's budget, incidentally. My favorite dodge, though, is the one about sparing current retirees and near-retirees from painful cuts. Everyone 55 and over will keep the same system as curren...